
Choosing wellingtons to tackle Plantar Fasciitis

Foot conditions can cause big problems for people who spend long hours on their feet while working. Humans are not built for this, especially when it is cold, hard surfaces. It can result in discomfort, pain, and even lost work days in the worst cases. Plantar Fasciitis is a particularly bad condition. If you work in agriculture, you need to take steps to avoid it. One of them is choosing the right wellingtons. Other little changes can also help.

What is it?

Before we delve deeper into the importance of good boots and making little lifestyle changes, we want to explore the condition. Plantar Fasciitis results in sharp pain in the heel and bottom of the foot when you stand or walk. It occurs because the tendons swell.

People have a greater risk of developing the condition if they spend a lot of time walking or standing on hard surfaces. This puts more pressure on the heel. The risk is also higher when you stand or work with tight calves or heels.

The wrong footwear can also cause the condition. If it lacks cushioning and arch support, there can be more pressure on the feet. It can lead to the pain.

How to tackle it?

People who work in agriculture naturally have a higher risk of foot conditions like Plantar Fasciitis. This is because you have hard work days and can spend a lot of time walking on solid surfaces like fields or concrete floors in buildings.

One of the crucial things to tackling the problem is to wear the correct wellingtons. You should choose boots with good soles that offer cushioning. They should provide arch support too. Most importantly, ensure they fit properly.

In addition, you can do a number of other things. It may be a good idea to use supporting insoles and cushioned heel pads. Using them long term can help to prevent recurring issues.

There are also a number of general things that can help. Stretching is very important, especially in the morning before work. You should also ensure you get enough exercise, ensuring it is low stress to reduce the impact on your feet. Finally, make sure you get enough rest. Elevating your feet can be very helpful.

If you do suffer from discomfort and pain, it is important not to ignore it. It is a better idea to talk to a pharmacist or GP. They can advise you about pain relief and how to deal with foot conditions.

Browse high quality wellingtons today

At JS Hubbuck Ltd we know how vital good footwear is for agriculture, whether it is dairy farming, livestock, or raising crops. It can be the difference between working safely in comfort and dealing with pain and mobility problems. With that in mind, we ensure we stock some of the best wellies. We have products from leading brands that you can wear day in, day out.

So, browse our website today to have a look at some of the wellingtons we have to offer. Then, if you need more advice you can contact us.