
Grass needs the right amount of sulfur

Farming is a way of life, but it’s typically unpredictable. For this reason, your farm needs to be resilient and efficient enough to grow whatever you need to. It must do this profitably and sustainably. Overseeing sulfur is an important element here, especially when you are growing grass. Luckily, it is not something you should be forced to make massive changes with though. Merely switching fertiliser can deliver great results. Let’s have a closer look.

Applying fertilisers containing sulfur and nitrogen means the grass will use the latter more efficiently. You receive more kgs of dry matter per kg of nitrogen you use.

There is also the matter of sulfur deficiency. This isn’t a new phenomenon. Sulfur levels in soil have been going down for years. Thus, we know it is an issue that needs tackling.

To ensure your grass doesn’t suffer from a lack of sulfur, you should ask yourself a few questions. One is if you think your soil has sufficient levels. Another would be if you rely on slurry to improve conditions.

Easy ways to handle sulfur deficiency

Having a deficiency may sound bad, but there are a few easy solutions to handle it. The simplest option is to switch to another fertiliser that contains sulfur. Pick a decent quality complex compound product rather than a blend. This will lead to an even application of every nutrient. Apply little and usually throughout the growing season to prevent leaching. This will also guarantee that sulfur is available when the grass most needs it.

All plants, including grass and different crops, need suitable levels of sulfur to use nitrogen properly. Together, they are critical building blocks for protein. So, you should apply both at the same time.

It is also important to note that sulfur behaves similarly to how nitrogen does in the soil. It readily leaches in the sulphate form just as nitrate does. Thus, this should dictate that you treat it the same as nitrogen. You wouldn’t use it all at once and expect it to meet the necessary requirements throughout growing season. As such, don’t do it with sulfur either.

Applying sulfur in a single application means there is potential for much of it to leach away. This then becomes unavailable to the crop. Applications little and often, as you would with nitrogen fertiliser, see to it that grass has access to it.

A close relationship

One other reason to apply sulfur little and often along with nitrogen is that the two share a very close relationship. It is not possible for nitrogen to be taken up and used efficiently by the grass. The exception is if there is a sufficient amount of sulfur.

With greater emphasis on increasing nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) on farms, there is one easy way to start doing that. Making certain there is enough sulfur and nitrogen at every application means the nutrients work together. This is better for your wallet, the environment, and your grass.

Work with us if you need fertiliser

At JS Hubbuck Ltd, we have a myriad of products available to buy. They will aid you in keeping your grass and other crops in good condition. We also have things for raising and keeping animals, clothing, and more. When you shop with us, you are choosing to work with a dependable supplier.

We have plenty of experience supplying things like fertiliser and other controlled products. So, let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.