Author Archives: admin

Farm toys

Farm toys display to oppose the Family Farm Tax

One of the hottest topics at the moment in the farming industry is the Government’s plan to introduce the Family Farm Tax. There is fierce opposition because it could harm families and even result in the loss of farms. In their battle against it, the NFU is planning a symbolic display of farm toys and farming equipment later this month. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading

Horse feed

Be mindful when feeding your horse

Feeding your horses is a crucial component of their care. A large enough error can cause laminitis or colic. Both can result in a life-threatening veterinary emergency. To help you determine the best course of action, we’re going to go over what you should and shouldn’t do. It will help you to be mindful with horse feed, feeding, and more. Continue reading


Do you want to start a sheep flock?

Sheep farming is a huge part of the agricultural sector in the UK. It has a massive impact on key things like the environment and food supply. There are some huge challenges for farmers though, including ensuring animal welfare. They have to think carefully about how to manage animals, living conditions, when to use wormer, and many other factors. If you want to start a flock yourself, it is important you do it properly. Continue reading