Many procedures used in intensive farming raise issues over animal welfare. These include ones like overcrowding and early maternal separation. Efforts to enhance animal health and wellbeing consist of altering the farm environment so it will better match animal’s needs. This is by improving housing conditions and key practices. Continue reading
Category Archives: News
Do you need organic or inorganic fertilisers?
Fertilisers play an essential part in giving plants the nutrients they require for growth and development. Different kinds are available to farmers. Organic and inorganic are the most common subcategories. Nutrients within organic products release gradually while the material decomposes with time. Artificially synthesised inorganic ones permit rapid uptake of nutrients by plants. However, the organic kind of fertiliser is better for the ecosystem and soil in the long term. Continue reading
Why should every child learn about farming?
Children have a lot to learn as they grow, from basic life skills to more advanced problem solving. One thing that can really benefit them is learning about farming. We want to have a closer look at this today, exploring some of the biggest benefits. Then, if you want to order farm toys to help children to learn, we have some great products. Continue reading