Category Archives: News

Horse feed

Make sure you are optimising forage for horses

The cost of living crisis is not only impacting people. It is also making it more expensive to be an animal owner. As a result, many are looking at ways to optimise feeding to ensure they don’t waste anything. One thing to look at if you own horses is optimising forage. If you do it well, you can save an impressive amount. Let’s look at what you should be doing to get the best with horse feed. Continue reading

Animal feed

How to prolong wormer efficacy with sheep

While it might seem a little strange, it is actually best to have a small susceptible worm population with livestock. If you go ham with wormer to try to kill all the parasites, you will likely only succeed in building a resistant population. That can be disastrous as there are no treatment options. Continue reading


Is nylon a waterproof material?

When looking for waterproofs, you need to know which materials are and aren’t going to work. One question people tend to ask is whether nylon is a waterproof material. This is a standard option for outdoor equipment and clothes due to its durability and performance. Despite its status as a versatile fabric, there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding its waterproofing. We intend to clear up the confusion by discussing matters here. So, let’s look at nylon more deeply. Continue reading