Farm toys

Why should every child learn about farming?

Children have a lot to learn as they grow, from basic life skills to more advanced problem solving. One thing that can really benefit them is learning about farming. We want to have a closer look at this today, exploring some of the biggest benefits. Then, if you want to order farm toys to help children to learn, we have some great products.

Where does food come from?

The first major benefit is children can learn exactly where their food comes from. It doesn’t magically appear in a shop ready to take home. Instead, there is a complex chain to get from farm to plate. It takes a lot of work from many different people. Every child that learns this can gain a new appreciation of what it takes to produce the food we eat. It can make them more appreciative of having it, and also a little more adventurous in trying different things.

Caring for animals

Learning about farming is also a really fantastic way to learn about how to take care of animals. They can find out that each type of animal needs different things, including specific types of feed and appropriate shelter. They can also discover that animals in general, regardless of species, need the right level of care to ensure they grow happy and healthy.


Farming is a job with a huge amount of responsibility. Farmers are responsible for taking care of animals and crops, looking after the farms, managing tools, equipment and vehicles, and even caring for the environment. It can be incredibly useful for children to learn about all of this, especially if you use farm toys and show them real world examples. It can shape their world view, showing how crucial it is to be thoughtful and careful with all actions.

Life skills

There are also numerous crucial life skills to learn from farming. Notably, children can discover the importance of communication. It can take many people to keep a farm running smoothly. So, children can learn how to communicate with everyone, from workers to suppliers. They can also build key safety skills. Farms can be dangerous, with sharp tools, heavy equipment, animals, and various other things. They are the perfect place to build safety knowledge and skills.

Weather and the environment

The weather has a massive impact on farming. Too much or too little of different elements can affect crops and animals. It is a really great idea for every child to learn about it. They can see why rain and sun are important in the right amounts. However, they can also see that we have very little control over the weather and need to plan accordingly.

Farming also teaches children about respecting the wider environment. This includes using resources like water carefully. They can even look at the impact of overuse of land or over-reliance on fertiliser. These are crucial topics that have a lasting impact on the world, so it is great to learn about them early.

The life cycle

One of the most difficult topics to discuss with children is life and death. It can be heart breaking, especially if it is the death of a family member or friend. Learning about farming can be an easier way to explore this topic.

Do you want farm toys to help teach children?

JS Hubbuck Ltd has been working in farming for a very long time, remaining a family business after several generations. We respect the industry and everyone who works in it. Our goal is to provide the best support and a wide selection of useful products. We also teach people about using them.

So, choose us if you need fertiliser, feeds, farm toys, clothing, and more. We can even offer things like animal feeding and handling systems. You can contact us if you need any help choosing products.