
Advice for working in muddy areas

Agriculture and mud go hand in hand. Sites can get muddy very quickly, whether it is a field, a yard, an outbuilding, or anything else. It can happen because of the weather, animals, or contaminants like oil. You need to be careful whenever you are working in muddy areas. There will be higher risks of injuries and other issues. As a result, you will need the right equipment and clothing, including good wellingtons. It will also be important to think about best practices.

Plan for the risks

There are some vital things to keep in mind when you work in muddy settings. Most importantly, there is a higher risk of slips and falls. This is true even when you have suitable footwear. Mud can get incredibly slippery depending on the moisture content. It can also be immensely sticky if there is high clay content. So, it is easier to slip and fall.

The poor footing leads to an increase in the risk of injuries. It is easy to strain a muscle if you slip. A fall can result in bruises and worse depending on how you land. You could also suffer an injury simply from the exertion of trying to pull your feet out of mud that tries to suck you in.

Another thing to think about is it is more dangerous to use tools and equipment in muddy areas. The last thing you want is to lose your footing when you are working with sharp or heavy implements.

Finally, driving is more hazardous in muddy settings. There is a higher chance of wheels slipping and losing traction. Your level of control over the vehicle can diminish. It can even become harder to drive simply because your wellingtons are full of mud and inhibiting your ability on the pedals.

Best practices

The number one thing you can do here is avoid working in muddy areas. Ideally you should wait until it is dry and the footing is stable again.

Unfortunately, there are many situations when you can’t wait. What you can do here instead is dress up areas to tackle the mud. This can involve using temporary surfaces or laying gravel.

Be careful where you drive when it is muddy. You should avoid driving into excessively muddy areas as vehicles can easily get stuck. Even more importantly, don’t drive down slopes covered in slick mud. It could cause a big accident if you lose control.

If you do have to walk through mud, be careful and make sure the footing is as stable as possible. It will reduce the chance of slipping. Then, if you do get stuck, work each foot out slowly and carefully instead of trying to forcefully pull out.

You should also get into a good habit of removing mud from the bottom of your wellingtons. Do this before entering buildings to avoid tracking it in. Be extra careful with steps on equipment too. You don’t want to get them muddy and risk people slipping off.

Finally, make sure you choose suitable footwear. Wellies are great overall but not every style will be good for really muddy areas. You may want to look at deeper treads to give you better traction. Boots with more support for your ankles and calves can be really good too.

Find the perfect wellingtons

At JS Hubbuck Ltd we help people to choose the right footwear for all kinds of agricultural work. This can include boots you can rely on when you are out in a muddy field or working in stores. We always advise that it is better to invest in good footwear that will be comfortable if you have to spend hours wearing it while you work.

You can browse some of the incredible boots we stock on our website. You can also contact us or stop by our shop to learn more.