Author Archives: admin


Always consider the tread on wellingtons

Whatever type of job you have, you probably need to have a good think about what kind of footwear you need. Ensure it will give you the right support and reduce the chance of slips, falls, and injury. Plus, think about foot and leg fatigue; you don’t want to be wearing anything that will result in aches and pains. You need to be especially careful with wellingtons. If you choose the wrong ones, you could have big problems. Continue reading

Animal health

Routine antibiotics banned

In May new legislation came in to ban the routine use of antibiotics on farms. The goal is to continue the good work to reduce the risk of animals becoming resistant. This will ensure animal health and welfare while also protecting humans. Continue reading


Precision farming is excellent for fertiliser

Humans have been raising crops as a source of food for thousands of years. In fact, it is one of the foundations of civilisation. Many traditional techniques are still in use today, although some now have modern machinery to make it easier and to boost the scale. Other new technologies can improve things even further. One of them is precision farming. We want to have a closer look at this today to explore how it can be beneficial. We’ll cover crucial things like the fact it can reduce fertiliser use and help the environment. Continue reading