
How to better spread your fertilisers

When it comes to fertiliser spreading, you’ll want to ensure that your spreader settings are correct. This will give you the best start possible. At the same time, you need to make sure you are spreading correctly. Otherwise, there could be consequences. This is a topic we want to discuss in more detail here, so read on for tips and more.

Pay attention to the weather

One of the first things you need to do is heed the weather. Strong winds can be detrimental to your spread pattern. This is particularly true if you’re working with lighter products. A simple piece of advice is that if it’s too windy for spraying, don’t spread either.

Keep watch over the humidify levels as well. When the days are damp, fertilisers are able to absorb moisture. This will influence flow rates. Humid or damp conditions will also affect sulphur mediums. They will build upon the vanes more rapidly compared to when it’s dry.

Consider the speed

You will need a consistent forward speed too. Speed plays a pivotal part in gaining a constant application rate. You need to use the correct gear. With machines depending on ground drive or PTO to work the disc, always travel at the suggested forward speed. Variations will lead to uneven fertiliser spreads. There will also be variable application rates.

Do you have the right bout width?

It is vital to set your spreader to the right working width to gain a sufficient overlap pattern. The manufacturer’s handbook will provide these details for the type of fertilisers which you need to use. For full-width distributors, each bout needs to match up with the last one.

Pay attention to the headlands as well. It’s normal to leave enough room for two bouts around a field. With lateral spread machines, it’s critical that the “switch-off” and “switch-on” is aligned. This will help to prevent missing and double-dosing. Make use of your machine’s border device or headland disc accordingly. Pay extra attention where you have the watercourse adjacent to field boundaries.

Consider the time

You will also want to spread the nutrients at the proper time. Fertilisers are most effective when your crops have the highest demand. Trial data reveals that crops take advantage of a spring fertiliser application. It is here where their demand for these crucial nutrients is at its peak. Your crops will be off to an excellent start.

Don’t waste your product

Wasting your fertilisers by putting them in the wrong place at the wrong time is expensive. At the same time, there will be consequences on the yield. Examples include uneven protein content, higher lodging risk, slow harvesting, uneven maturity, and yield loss. The time you spend getting your spread right can become the most valuable part of crop management.

Avoid lodging

Nitrogen is one of the primary crop yield drivers. Be aware though that uneven spreading results in excess in specific areas. Too much nitrogen creates skinny, tall stems that are too feeble to hold themselves. This is what’s called lodging. Lodged plants are more difficult to harvest and cause yield losses. This is a costly and unnecessary affair you’ll want nothing to do with.

Work with us to order fertiliser

At JS Hubbuck Ltd, we supply first rate fertilisers. We will source the ideal ones for your crop growing efforts. Our products are high in quality as well as competitively priced, ensuring you can rely on them.

So, if you’re interested in using fertiliser, please get in touch. We can help you to choose the right products for various needs.