
More funding for farmers to improve animal health in England

The Government is investing an impressive £2.4billion per year to improve farming in the UK. There are various types of funding available to help farmers improve many different things. The goal here is to boost animal health, productivity, and food security. In addition, the funds will make the industry more sustainable.

Cattle buildings

The newest addition to the funding is £10million to help farmers in England improve buildings for herds. They will be able to apply for one off grants ranging from £15,000 to £500,000 as part of the Animal Health and Welfare Infrastructure Grant. The money will help them to upgrade old buildings or replace them with modern facilities. This will benefit the animals as well as productivity and profitability.

The priority here is calves because they are the foundation of healthy herds. Improving the housing buildings will create better living and social conditions. It will maximise the health and wellbeing of animals, reducing the risk of disease and calf mortality. In turn it will make cattle farming more resilient and productive.

One thing the farmers can use the funding for is to install solar panels on the roofs of cattle buildings. This will provide two benefits. Firstly, it will allow them to generate clean, renewable energy. Secondly, it will add more insulation to the structures. Both will help to make them more sustainable.

Other awards

This new funding follows the £19million that has already been awarded to 3,000 farmers who applied for grants in the first round of the Equipment and Technology Grant. They will each receive between £1,000 and £25,000 depending on their application.

The money will help to pay for things like livestock handling equipment and monitoring systems. The items were all chosen thanks to a collaborative process with vets, industry professionals, and academics. All of it will work to boost animal health and biosecurity, so it is a worthwhile investment.

There has also been an improvement and expansion of the Sustainable Farming Incentive 2023. Applications opened in August. Farmers can get payments here for taking various actions. There are 23 in total, covering everything from steps to improve soil health to nutrient management and planting new hedgerows. The idea is when farmers take these actions en masse, it will go a long way to achieving environmental goals and support more sustainable food production.

Farmers in England and other parts of the UK should check to see what kind of grants and funding they could apply for. There are plenty of different schemes available, all focusing on improving conditions. In total this year there will be over £168million available to drive innovation and also improve production, health/wellbeing, and the environment.

Do you need animal health products?

JS Hubbuck Ltd appreciates how much work goes in to ensuring the health of cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry in the UK. We play a part here by supplying high quality equipment, feed, wormer, and more. In addition, we can advise clients about using these different items effectively.

So, if you need help with animal health, you can speak to us. We can work with you to select fantastic products and then arrange delivery.