
Precision farming is excellent for fertiliser

Humans have been raising crops as a source of food for thousands of years. In fact, it is one of the foundations of civilisation. Many traditional techniques are still in use today, although some now have modern machinery to make it easier and to boost the scale. Other new technologies can improve things even further. One of them is precision farming. We want to have a closer look at this today to explore how it can be beneficial. We’ll cover crucial things like the fact it can reduce fertiliser use and help the environment.

What is it?

Precision farming involves the use of various tools and techniques to improve the results with agriculture. At its core the goal is to use the right interventions at the ideal times in the most crucial places.

Looking specifically at fertilisers, the idea here is to only apply them where they are absolutely necessary. The goal is to ensure you give the exact amount of the right nutrients to ensure the crops grow quickly, healthily, and with better yields. This is a much more effective method than just wantonly spreading on fields.

The benefits

As we’ve touched on, there are a number of important benefits to using precision farming. Farmers get some of the best ones. For example, it can reduce the costs massively because they won’t need to buy and use as much fertiliser. Farming in general will be more profitable, with lower costs and better performance. It is also better for their land.

The environment can also benefit massively. Precision farming will make much better use of resources, meaning we don’t need to consume as many. This can mean much lower emissions. Plus, it reduces waste. More effective use of fertilisers also reduces the chance they will leave farms, protecting eco-systems.

What to use?

The very best thing about precision farming is the sheer number of different tools farmers can use. As a result, they can choose the ones that will provide the best results for them.

One option is to use sensors and field intervention tools. What these do is collect data about the conditions in the fields. They can provide real time measurements of the soil characteristics, including the presence of different minerals. You can use this data to then determine when interventions like applying fertiliser are necessary. Some systems can even effectively direct tractors to the exact point where it needs to be applied.

Another interesting option is to use drones and crop mapping technology. This can make it easier to examine crop development and look for signs of stress or deficiency. You can then take more appropriate steps to improve growth. Some systems even allow you to check for things like parasite infestation and weather damage.

The development of precision farming tech is fantastic. It will continue to give farmers newer, more advances tools to utilise.

Do you need to order fertiliser?

JS Hubbuck Ltd can support farmers that need to use fertilisers. We have been supplying them effectively for decades. As a result, you can come to us for advice about everything regarding them, including safe storage, using them efficiently, and more.

So, if you want any help with fertiliser, speak to us. You’ll get the best level of customer service every time.