
Organic and inorganic fertilisers

Many people forget that most plants can’t survive with just water. Thus, some tend to grow weak with a poor colour. There ends up being a lack of fruit and flowers as well. When they are well supplied with the three main nutrients present in a general fertiliser though, they can flourish. Not only this, but they can better fight diseases and pests. The nutrients in question are potassium (K), phosphorous (P), and nitrogen (N).

When people grow plants using containers, nutrients and moisture are likely to run out more quickly than on open ground. The plants are unable to send their roots past the container to find extra sustenance. It’s true that a lack of water leads to foliage wilting, and stems becoming sappy and soft. With a lack of food though, there is a gradual slowing of growth. The foliage can also lack lustre. Soon, your plant will become stunted.

The three primary plant foods all have a part to play in the well-being and health of plants. Nitrogen works to promote healthy shoot and leaf growth. Phosphorous aids in root development, Potassium encourages fruit and flower production. A general fertiliser supplies a balance of all three important nutrients. Moreover, there are minor ones and trace elements present. There is everything from iron and magnesium to molybdenum and manganese.

Multiple nutrient types

The nutrients that we supply to plants can come in inorganic and organic variants. It is important to know the difference between the two.

Organic fertilisers are animal and plant-derived products. Examples include fish and bone, seaweed extract, and hoof and horn. Usually, these must break down in the soil before the elements they hold can get absorbed in solution through plant roots. This procedure makes soil bacteria ‘work’ to break the organic material down into simpler parts.

Inorganic fertiliser will come from minerals or be synthetic goods. As a result, they become immediately available to plants after they are absorbed in water. The benefit here is that plants can absorb them right away. They don’t need soil bacteria to break down. This bacteria becomes redundant as a result. So, it doesn’t work for the soil’s long term health.

It is vital to remember that even organic ones won’t do much to enhance soil structure. Only bulky organic matter is capable of that. By this, we mean manure and garden compost. Both are essential ingredients of good earth.

When should I use them?

It’s also important to know when to use such fertilisers. In winter, plants enter a semi or fully dormant state. So, it is a waste to feed them during this time. They are most in need of nutrition right as growth is about to begin. It would be a great idea to provide plants with a decent helping of general fertiliser during March. This way, it can be readily absorbed by the time the strong growth spurt starts in April or May. Do so again in June or July to get them through summer.

There are inorganic fertilisers that businesses market as controlled or slow release. The delivery is over a longer time frame. Such products come in handy for busy gardeners who find themselves absent a lot. This is because they provide continuous nutrition over time.

Avoid feeding plants in the cold frosty weather, same goes for dry, hot summers. The soil or compost always needs to be moist at the point of feeding. It doesn’t matter if you’re using solid or liquid fertilisers. Granular or powdered ones are best sprinkled on the soil’s exterior and hoed in gently. This will let watering or rain dissolve them so they can go to the roots. Spreading mulch over the soil following application will seal moisture in.

Come to us if you want to order fertiliser

At JS Hubbuck Ltd, we work to ensure that every client has all the agricultural goods they need. Fertilisers can be an essential element of plant growth. Having the right one will lead to your flora flourishing.

So, if we can be of any help to you, please let us know.