Farm toys

Some useful tips about toy safety

Giving your child a toy is a great way to help them play, relax, learn, and grow. However, you also need to think about safety. This is true whether it is farm toys, balls, electronics, or anything else. We want to look at some tips here that can help you to ensure your children will be safe.

Toys and novelties

The first thing you need to do is think about the difference between these two things. You might not be able to tell what this is, but it is very important.

To classify an item as a toy, it must satisfy regulatory requirements. These are in place to make sure they are safe. Toys need to display relevant marks to ensure they meet the standards. This includes CE, UKNI or UKCA marks. Some will also have symbols such as the BTHA lion mark.

Novelties on the other hand don’t need to display any of these marks. This is because they are not intended to be played with like toys as they don’t have any practical purpose in mind. So, you need to be very careful to ensure you buy an actual toy rather than a novelty item. Make sure this is the case with farm toys or any other products.

Age limits

It is also crucial to observe any age restrictions, especially with younger children. Toys often specify that they are suitable for kids over a particular age. Never give a toy to a child that is younger than the recommendation. Be particularly careful with children under 3 because they are more vulnerable to choking.


You should also think about the abilities of the children who will play with the toys. While they may be old enough to satisfy the age requirements, their physical ability may mean they should not have them. They may also have special needs or a disability that could make the toy unsuitable.

Things to avoid

There are a number of crucial things you should always avoid with toys. For example, look for loose fabrics or hair that could become a hazard. This can be common with some farm toys, particularly animals. Keep an eye out for finger traps. Check for sharp points and edges. Most importantly, ensure there are no small parts that can break off.

Wear and tear

It is also important to keep an eye on toys as they get older. They may be perfectly safe at first. However, after a few play sessions there might be wear or damage. It could result in sharp points or edges or lose material. You should throw away any toys that become hazardous or get them repaired.


It is also a really good idea to teach children to be tidy with their toys. One of the most common accidents is trips and falls because some have been left out. Try to ensure they know to put things away when they finish.

Do you want to order farm toys?

JS Hubbuck Ltd is a proud family run business that has been serving agricultural clients for generations. As a result, we know all about how important it is to teach the next ones about farming. We look to do that by providing expert advice about all the items we stock. We also have some great items like farm toys for children to learn about farms.

So, if you want to order anything, speak to us.