
Safety tips for working outside in spring

Spring is one of the busiest times for the agriculture industry. There is a lot to do in terms of preparing fields, caring for new animals, and checking over equipment. The weather conditions can also make it tricky to work outside. However, there are a number of things you can do to make it safer. Read on to learn more. Then, if you need reliable wellingtons or other products, you can shop with us.

Check equipment

The first and most important safety tip is to check any equipment you will be using. There may be a number of things you haven’t used over the long winter months. That means there is a chance there could be issues, especially if you did not store everything correctly. It is best to check vehicles, trailers, tools, and anything else you need. It will reduce the chance of dangerous issues and lost time if things don’t work.

Inspect the ground

A big problem with spring is you can’t be sure about ground conditions. There may be areas on the farm where the land is dry but there could be others where it is still wet from winter waterlogging. It is best to check and make sure you know where you need to take extra care to avoid slipping or falling. Always wear the right footwear too.

Take care with hazardous substances

You might find you need to use a number of these products in spring, whether it is substances for cleaning, preparing fields, or different equipment. It is a good idea to check the warning labels, even if it is products you have experience with. You need to be even more careful if you are using any of them in very high amounts or frequencies. In addition, make sure you wear the correct PPE.

The right clothing

Spring weather can make deciding what to wear to work outside tricky. In some situations it will be rainy and wet so you will need to cover up and wear suitable wellingtons. In others it will be bright, sunny and warm. You can dress down here so you don’t overheat. The best thing to do is dress for the conditions on each day. It is also wise to choose clothes so you can easily add or remove layers.

Leading on from this, if it is sunny you need to think about the risk of sunburn if you don’t cover up. Sunscreen can be necessary. A hat may be useful too. Plus, you may also need sunshades to protect your eyes and ensure you don’t get dazzled while working.

Talk to us if you need wellingtons and other products

At JS Hubbuck Ltd we know how busy people get in spring when they work in agriculture. We see it every year with our clients. Luckily, we are on hand to assist however we can. This includes offering high quality wellies, clothing, fertiliser, and more. You can order from us with ease and we will arrange fast delivery so you have as few delays as possible.

So, if you need wellingtons or anything else this spring or at any other point during the year, come to us. We are friendly, informative, and value each and every customer.