Farms come in all shapes and sizes. They could be massive businesses with acres of fields, herds of animals, and dozens of buildings. Or, they could be smaller operations. Whatever the case, it is important to look at the farm layout and how it can help with parasite control. The right layouts can promote animal health and also mean you don’t need to rely on wormer as much.
What to think about?
The most crucial thing to keep in mind is the layout will have a big impact on how you run the farm as well as the chance of problems like parasite outbreaks. Ideally you want to minimise the latter and make the former as easy as possible.
Two major things to think about here are where to establish clean and outside zones. The first is part of the farm where you can be confident there isn’t a massive risk of parasites. The second is an area where you can keep outside animals that are new arrivals. You need to keep them separate until you can determine their parasite status.
It is also a good idea to think carefully about control and check points. For example, when you have herds such as sheep and cattle, you need different handling areas for things like vaccinations and loading into vehicles. You want these to be clean spots where there isn’t a massive risk of parasites. It can reduce the need to use wormer.
Consider the whole
The best strategy is to look at the farm holistically. Think about the location of fields and paddocks, buildings, roads, and infrastructure. Keep workflow in mind to ensure you maximise efficiency. For example, plan ahead for how animals will move around from different areas. Plus, determine how you will get things like feed to herds. This will help you to decide where to have storage buildings for feeds.
A crucial thing, especially when you consider parasites, is animal housing. You need to ensure each building will account for animal health and wellbeing. Factor in things like drainage and ventilation. In addition, look at access and how much space there is.
Make sure you also look at the topography of the farm. There may be areas that are unsuitable for animals, building, and other uses.
Do you need some help with wormer?
JS Hubbuck Ltd is a fantastic partner if you need different kinds of agricultural products. We can supply resources for growing crops, raising animals, and more. In addition, we have footwear and clothing for farming and other outdoor activities.
A fantastic thing here is you can ask us for advice about anything we stock, including wormer. We want to help our clients to expand their knowledge and make the best use of everything they buy. The excellent standard of customer service is one of the reasons we have so many happy long term clients.
So, if you need anything or want some help, contact us.