Horse feed

Tips for feeding easy keeper horses

Ours is a family-run company specialising in providing agricultural products. We have an extensive list of goods available, including horse feed. As a result, we have the means to meet a host of requirements for clients. We are certain your animals will enjoy what we have to offer them.

Does your horse sit on the higher end of the body condition score chart? Or, do they look like they gain weight just from looking at feed? If you find yourself in either scenario, chances are you have an easy keeper horse on your hand. Horses like these are ones that gain weight easily. This is even when they are under conditions where other animals will lose weight if you don’t give them extra feed. To help you manage horses such as these, we’re going to provide some essential tips.

Lower pasture grazing time

Firstly, you need to restrict pasture grazing time. This step is particularly important during spring and early summer. It is at these times when pasture growth is at its quickest. If you find you are unable to do it, use a grazing muzzle on your horse.

Secondly, you cannot feed the horse with high-fat supplements. Drop rice bran, flaxseed, and corn oil from the animal’s diet. This will serve to cut out a few calories and stop massive weight gain.

You will also want to eradicate high-calorie concentrates. What you should try using instead is a ration balancer product. This is a low starch, low calorie mineral and vitamin fortified supplement. It offers the horse the missing nutrients when they are only eating pasture or hay.

Put an exercise program in place

Something else you can do is begin an exercise program. The primary purpose behind exercising is increasing calorie loss or energy expenditure. Other advantages of daily exercise include a heightened metabolic rate as well as a reduced appetite. Furthermore, it prevents mineral and bone losses. These are ones that might happen during calorie restriction when you have an inactive horse. If you need any help with your horse feed needs, contact our team.

Any high calorie hay users should replace it with grass hay as well. Legume, clover and alfalfa hay has more calories per pound than grass hays. Rather than using them, you should feed your horse with high-fibre, great quality grass instead. This is one that is free of weeds, mould, and dust.

Lower the amount of hay feed

Last but not least, restrict the quantity of hay fed. Then, you need to divide it into multiple daily feedings. Limit the hay you are feeding your horse to 1.5% of its body weight. This is sufficient to guarantee body condition maintenance. At the same time, the correct digestive function will continue.

It could be that your horse’s body condition is still immoderate following weight loss stabilisation. Should you find yourself in this situation, lower the hay feeding rate to 1.25% of body weight. Then carry on doing feeding management for weight loss.

When all is said and done, the name of the game here is simple. Your horse will require more calories to be burned compared to the amount they are consuming. All you need is a bit of planning. Make sure you stick to your plan for the long term. This will enable you to keep your easy keeper in a suitable condition.

We know what our customers need when it comes to horse feed

At JS Hubbuck Ltd, we have plenty of experience providing animal feed and other agricultural goods to customers. Using the knowledge we have, it is easy for us to recommend the right products to each individual. Not to mention, our competitive prices make our merchandise even more appealing to everyone. Even better, we are always friendly and reliable.

So if you’d like to do business with us for horse feed or anything else, feel free to get in touch. We will make sure you and your animals have the best experience.